October 03 :
Oct. 15
around 15th of october: europeanwide noborder-action-week
- http://www.noborder.org
Oct. 31 - Nov. 2
Autonomous Festival For Humanity and Against the FTAA
Northeast FTAA Consulta
- When: Oct 31 to Nov 2, 2003
- Where: Yale, New Haven, CT
- Why: Because we are everywhere. There is a new left on the rise, a left that seeks to change the world without taking power, a left that is almost invisible to the gaze of the corporate media and that has been pushed to the periphery of events such as the World Social Forum: the autonomous left. We seek to make the invisible visible. We are part of a network of solidarity around a caravan of representatives from autonomous social movements in Brazil and Argentina. We are here to build connections and solidarity between local and global movements for justice, and to learn from their examples. Come learn about the consequences of the neoliberal agenda (_the new colonialism_), the positive alternatives that have emerged to challenge corporate globalization (_the most inspiring popular movement since the Zapatistas_), and network, train, plan, and strategize for the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) Ministerial in Miami (Nov 17 to 21).
We can shut it down!
- How: Food and housing will be provided. All housing will be with students and community members, and all food will be vegan/vegetarian. We are requesting a sliding scale $5 to $10 donation to cover food costs. Please send registration form (at very end) to nhautonomists
Necessary logistics, like ride board, maps, etc, will be up soon on the website http:// www.gpjo.org/yale.htm.
- Schedule:
- Fri, Oct 31
- Sat, Nov 1
- Breakfast
- Workshops, presentations, discussions, and creative performances on:
- positive examples of autonomous movements (eg Brazil, Argentina, squatters)
- art and resistance
- introduction to neoliberalism and Globalization 101
- militarism and the prison industrial complex
- corporatization and privatization
- the labor movement
- the eco-globalization movement
- history of direct action
- anarchism and anti-capitalism
- how to start a collective
- solidarity demos
- Lunch / Gender Caucus
- Workshops continued
- Update on what to expect in Miami and Miami action strategy
- Dinner / People of Color Caucus
- Show featuring Cipher of Afropunk fame (http://www.afropunk.com, http://www.cipheronline.com) and others
- Sun, Nov 2
- Breakfast
- Trainings on:
- general affinity group and consensus
- medic
- legal
- direct action
- media
- communications
- Organizing 101
- Lunch / Queer Caucus
- Spokescouncil and strategy consulta for the FTAA meetings in Miami
- Participants include:
- Autonomous Social Movements Caravan (http://www.autonomista.org) with Nelida Argentina Jara, Unemployed Workers Movement, Buenos Aires; Martin Krymkiewicz, popular assembly Colegiales, Buenos Aires; Carlos Acuna, worker-run Zanon Factory, Buenos Aires; Manoel Inacio do Nascimento, autonomous land-based agroecology movement, Ceara; and Giulius Czsari G. Apr_gio, ethnologist with Guarani Indians, Sao Paulo (http://www.cave.org.br)
- Argentina Autonomist Project
- Rainforest Action Network and Global Exchange Stop the FTAA Roadshow
- Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC)
- Planetary Alternatives Network (PAN)
- Immanuel Wallerstein, founder of World Systems Theory
- Sandro Mezzadra, editor of Italian autonomous magazine Derive Approdi
- Seth Tobocman, Artist of _World War III Illustrated_
- John Farris, Poet with Bullet Space
- and many more!
- Registration form:
To register, please send the following information to nhautonomists
- First Name:
Last Name:
School and/or Organization, if applicable:
- Housing (choose one):
- Crash Housing
- Making Your Own Arrangements
- Food (choose one):
- I want food (sliding scale $5 to $10 donation)
- I will take care of my own food
- Food Preference (choose one):
- Vegan
- Vegetarian or not Vegan
- Comments:
- Contact nhautonomists
yahoo.com or 610-207-4627 for more information, if you have concerns, or if you would like to be involved in the planning of this. Our website: http:// www.gpjo.org/yale.htm
- See you in November: in New Haven or Miami!
November 03 :
Nov. 18
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2003 16:32:39 -0500
From: Steffan Spencer
Save the Date for the FTAA-MIAMI Ministerial in November. START NOW TO STOP THE FTAA! Come down to Florida on Wednesday, November 19th. Fight for Fair Trade. Stay the weekend.
- Four years ago in February of 1999 in Seattle, a motley network of 80 activists first came together to plan for the civil society mobilization against the WTO. In January, a similarly historic meeting convened in Miami to begin planning a civil society welcome for the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) ministerial scheduled for November 17th 21st in downtown Miami. Labor was there (AFL-CIO local CLC and representatives of over 10 local unions), the Sierra Club was represented, so was the Florida Fair Trade Coalition, Jobs with Justice (JwJ), the Miami Workers Center, Coalition of Immokalee Workers, as was Unite for Dignity, Public Citizen, the Citizens Trade Campaign (CTC), the Alliance for Responsible Trade (ART) and many others. Be a part of this mobilization against corporate-controlled globalization and help Stop the FTAA!
- There is already talk of: Teach-ins and seminars, reality tours, concerts and forums, rallies and marches and many more ways to get our message out!
- Folks from Florida and around the country will be joined by activists from around the world linking the local issues to the global fights and building solidarity and alternatives.
- MEANWHILE: GET CONNECTED: EDUCATE AND ORGANIZE All over the hemisphere, folks are learning about “NAFTA on Steroids” and fighting corporate rule.
- The FTAA is an expansion of NAFTA, a Proven Disaster * It's being negotiated without Citizen Input * The FTAA will undermine Labor Rights, Push Down Wages and cause Job Loss * It will hasten Environmental Degradation * The FTAA will hurt Family Farmers * It will lead to privatization and extreme deregulation of Essential Services * Corporations will be given outrageous rights to sue Governments * The FTAA will jeopardize consumer safeguards * It will spread the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs)* It will deny access to lifesaving medicines for millions of people * The FTAA will make the rich richer and increase poverty throughout the hemisphere * There are Proven Alternatives
- Contact the Citizens Trade Campaign at 202.778.3320 ftaainfo
citizenstrade.org or if you live in Florida, contact the Florida Fair Trade Coalition at 727.896.8224 info
- Contact Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch at 202.546.4996 or 510.663.0888!
- Visit and "bookmark" www.flfairtrade.org and www.ftaamiami.org for Important Updates!
- Steffan A. Spencer
National Field Organizer
Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch
215 Pennsylvania Ave, SE
Washington, DC 20003
(P) 202-454-5129 (F) 202-547-7392
- For more information on current Fair Trade issues please visit www.tradewatch.org. To be added to the Fair Trade list send an email to listserv
listserver.citizen.org with the text "subscribe fairtrade" in the body of the message.
nov. 19-23
- November 19-21: FTAA Demonstrations in Miami
Demonstrations, teach-ins and alternative conferences, as trade ministers from 34 nations in the Western Hemisphere continue negotiations on the Free Trade Area of the Americas. For more information, visit http://www.stopftaa.org
- November 22-23: Vigil and Direct Action at School of the Americas
Join thousands from across the Americas from November 22-23, 2003 at the gates of the U.S. military base Fort Benning in Georgia - home of the notorious School of the Americas (renamed Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation), where the US trains the military muscle that enforces the corporate agenda throughout Latin America. For more information, visit http://www.soaw.org
- Subscribe to our email alerts at http://www.unitedforpeace.org/email.php
December 03 :
Dec. 10-12
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 15:20:13 +0100
From: Florian Schneider <flso
From December 10-12 2003 the UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) will be held in the Palexpo conference center of Geneva.
- Unlike the G-8 summit with its clear agenda of confrontation, the WSIS is a rather ambiguous meeting of thousands of governmental, corporate and non-governmental entities. The summit, organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), is supposed to shape the future of a worldwide communication regime also known as the “information society”.
- While the G-8 gathers the leaders of the richest and most powerful governments and corporations plus approximately ten thousand of their accomplices, the WSIS represents the other, not less important side of Empire: a system of world hegemonic power that is blurring the distinction between formal and informal bureaucracies, explicitly including the civil society and the NGOs as a broad base of global governance.
- = Interventions at G-8 and WSIS =
- It is easy to attack the corporate agendas of the telecommunication and deconstruct the "access for all" NGO rhetoric. Rather then demasking the liberal "digital divide" agendas, the real question WSIS puts on the table is how cultural and political differences can be worked out in a post-nation environment such as the internet. It is time to map the power of the new communication structures without having to call for national regulatory regimes. What radical models are there, beyond the sweet dreams of a “civil society”, that take up some of the global challenges that emerge out of the new media structures?
- Over the past weeks activists and artists with different backgrounds ranging from indymedia centers to the noborder-networks, from the free software movement to community media, from grassroots campaigns to hacker culture have been widely discussing how to make appropriate interventions during both events, the G-8 and the WSIS.
- When net activism and the global protest movement, all sorts of counter activities and parallel events connect and link up into a strong and powerful conceptual framework, one can indeed envision a series of actions and activities, that reveal the a new potential of struggling: Refusing and resisting both, war and info war, border management and digital rights management, restrictions of the freedom of movement and constraints of the freedom of communication. Let's leave the false dichotomies between "real" and "virtual" behind us and both shape and subvert the technologies that are now part of everyone's life.
- Check out the WikiWiki and contribute to the GenevaGlossary http://www.geneva03.org
- Written and developed by: Dee Dee Halleck, Michael Hardt, Jamie King, Hagen Kopp, Susanne Lang, Geert Lovink, Florian Schneider, Pit Schultz, Alan Toner and many other activists from Indymedia Centers in Geneva and Switzerland, as well as France, Italy and Germany
- Hub mailing list
permanent initiatives :
(the initiatives mentioned further on shall be online for a year after I've got notice of them. The date beside the button means the day when the info is about to be taken off this list.
If you notice an error, or if you want this annoncement stay here for a longer period, please feel free to contact me : <norbert
From: A.M <facilillo
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 20:07:48 +0100
Hi everybody!
We donīt know if all of you know about the process of the European Social Consultation 2004. In few words - we are trying to create the tools to achieve a wide, open and popular european consultation for the 2004, having a previous Internal Consultation inside the social movements until november 2002.
- The 'consultation' is an old idea of many people. Now, some promotor groups and individuals are making it real, in a exciting but difficult process. There are many reasons for starting this process right now: the need of creating new 'global tools' after Genova, the need of having more feed-back with the population, to have a wide example of direct democracy, to avoid criminalisation, etc...
- But when we started to spread the idea, many people didnīt understand the proposal and felt it too much "difuse" and open. People said to us: "what exactly do you want to ask? and How?" And we answered: "we will answer it together!" This kind of situations provoked a debate... and that's exactly the goal of the Internal Consultation! We pretend to be as democratic as possible, focusing our efforts in the process and not in the results (walking we ask...), but the price is to be still too much vague and difuse.
- So, we've decided to make a printed material for "inspiring" the echange of ideas untill november 2002... to not be neither deciding in "petit comité" nor being too much abstract and difuse. And thatīs the reason of this letter! We are preparing a material in various european languages with:
The people in Argentina expelling presidents from the streets, the consultations in Quebec 2001, the zapatist consultations, the spanish anarquist spokes councils, the internal structures of afrocolombian comunities and indigenous peoples, the experience of the 'social desobedience' in Italy, the spanish consultation against debt...
The "archipielago", the neederland groups working on the theory of "direct democracy", the theorics of 'civil disobedience' and so on...
- This request is for asking for information on these topics. Do you have material? Do you have ideas? Do you know web pages? Can you give us contacts with 'experts' on it? Have you lived some concret experience? Can you send us a short explanation? With all these examples we'll try to inspire the Internal Consultation around Europe.
- E-MAIL CONTACT for materials: facilillo
E-MAIL CONTACT for the Consulta: consultaeuropea
- Thanks!